
Oh no, I forgot this!

But you can still do it…we’re still in the cycle of christmas…

epiphany blessing of the home

It is suggested that you use holy water for the above activity. Funny, I just learned that at the Epiphany Mass, it is a custom for people to bring bottles of water for the priest to bless en masse. My own parish on Long Island did this-I assume it is a traditional custom. From a Catholic prepper point of view, GOTTA HAVE HOLY WATER!

Marian Triad of the Months / Triduum of Death

The last 3 months of the Church’s dedications have been reserved for Our Lady. We can see this as a type of “triad,” a group of 3. From August to October, we honor the Immaculate Heart, Our Lady of Sorrows and Our Lady of the Rosary. This triad is interesting to note and study. I have never heard it mentioned before, and have decided to give it the title of “Marian Triad of the Months.”

How are these associations with the Mother of God linked? First, we contemplate her most pure heart, immaculate because it was conceived without Original Sin. Our Lady’s love, emanating from this heart, has existed since her creation, in perfect love for God and humanity. We are called into this abyss of perfection, a privilege we are unworthy of, yet Christ gave us His Mother from the Holy Cross. Next, we are called to reflect on a particular aspect of this heart, her many sorrows. Like Lent, this can be a difficult undertaking, but many graces and joys result. Finally, the Holy Rosary, a devotion uniting all the Body of Christ, is a meditation upon the many aspects of her Immaculate Heart…her joys, her pride in her Son, her sorrows and glories. We become immersed in the Gospels, the events in the life of Our Lord. Next time your Protestant friend argues with you about the Rosary, say that 90% of it comes directly from the Gospels. It is a Bible study!

The Immaculate Heart is a consolation, a privilege, a joy, in the midst of life’s difficulties. Holy Church in her love and wisdom, guided by the Holy Ghost, gives us this heart towards the end of the Liturgical Year, ushering us into another group of 3, the 3 days of the Triduum of Death….

All Hallows Eve

All Saints Day

All Souls Day

“Triduum of Death” is a term we don’t hear too much anymore, perhaps because people think it sounds negative. However, we must realize that this triple feast is one of great joy! All Hallows Eve anticipates the feast of All Saints, when we honor those who have succeeded in winning the Heavenly reward, just as we hope to. The Holy Souls have also won it, though they remain in Purgatory, in need of our prayers. Surely, on All Souls Day, due to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, in addition to prayers all over the world, many souls pass through that glorious Gate to behold the Triune God! What a truly wonderful day! What a wonderful Triduum we now celebrate!

August is the Month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

[Edited since posting.]

“Treasure of Kindness, Which Forever Lives and Never Dies”

When looking for images, I look for one that grabs me and is somewhat unique.  The vintage French prayer card above was perfect.  I realized I had to translate the French and this was my best attempt. The sentiment is beautiful and calls to mind the eternal bliss possessed by Our Lady and all those in Heaven.  This illustration of the Immaculate Heart contains many of the elements we normally see:  the lily emerging from the flame, the sword with the drops of blood, the wreath of roses and the emanating rays of light.  We also sometimes see the Crown of Thorns surrounding her heart in a circular fashion.  This month, we might meditate more deeply on the symbolism of Our Lady’s heart, passed down to us over the centuries.  We might also seek to conform our own hearts to hers, that we may be that “Treasure of Kindness” to those around us.

How else may we honor this most loving of hearts, inextricably united to the Sacred Heart?  It would certainly be an appropriate time to begin the Communion of Reparation to the Immaculate Heart 5 First Saturdays, given to Sister Lucia by Our Lady of Fatima.  If your parish does not offer this, consider meeting with your pastor to discuss it.  What an exciting privilege to establish and lead this devotion in your own Catholic community!  The traditional feast of the Immaculate Heart is celebrated August 22nd, alongside the new feast of the Queenship of Mary.

Other Marian feasts this month are:  Our Lady of the Snows on the 5th, THE ASSUMPTION on the 15th and Our Lady of Knock, celebrated on the 17th or the 21st.  Saint Dominic, seer of the Holy Rosary, is honored on the 4th and Saint Joachim, father of the Blessed Virgin, on the 16th.  What an amazing month to become closer to the Mother of God, to offer reparation to her Immaculate Heart and to console her in her sorrows, looking upon this world of corruption.

Let us remember the TRANSFIGURATION OF OUR LORD on the 6th. August also celebrates 3 Doctors of the Church:  Saint Alphonsus de Ligouri, Saint Bernard of Clairvaux and Saint AugustineWe also have dear Saint Clare (otherwise known as Clara or Chiara-my name) on the 12th and Saint Rose of Lima, patroness of gardeners (we are especially devoted to her here), on the 30th.

As you may know, the Tridentine Latin Mass is being persecuted more aggressively in recent days in the United States.  Let us commend this sorrow to Our Lady and be at peace that God is provident and always holds His children in His Hands.  (I was going to give you some links, but it upset me so much, I could not continue reading-some dioceses most recently cracking down are Chicago, Washington DC and Arlington VA.)

Here is the traditional calendar for the month of August:

Note:  Both old and new feasts are given.  The old is given preference when there are 2 dates.

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Image from Ethelyn at Pinterest.

June is the Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Veni, Sancte Spiritus!

Fill the hearts of Thy faithful and kindle in them the fire of Thy love!

10 days after Ascension Thursday, the first Sunday of June, we celebrate the great feast of Pentecost or Whitsunday.  Many pray a novena between Ascension and Pentecost.  These 9 days actually were the origin of the novena itself.  It is wonderful to continue these Catholic traditions and teach them to the younger generation.

The first Marian feast of June is the new feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, which is always the day after Pentecost.  Let us commend Holy Church in all our difficulties to Our Lady at this time.  2 days later, we begin the Ember Days of Pentecost (or Summer).  These are days of prayer and penance for the coming season.  As things are heating up in the world on all fronts, prayer and penance is desperately needed.  The Ember Days also present an opportunity to teach children Catholic tradition in a fun way, incorporating crafts, artwork, etc.  This month gives us 4 Doctors of the Church:  Saint Ephrem of Syria, Saint Anthony of Padua, Saint Basil the Great and Saint Cyril of Alexandria.  One week after Pentecost, we have Trinity Sunday, when we celebrate all 3 Persons of the Most Holy Trinity.

Not only do we honor Our Lord’s Sacred Heart in June, we also honor His Body in the feasts of Corpus Christi (trad) and the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (new).  On the 24th, we celebrate the Sacred Heart and on the 25th, the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  So intimate are these 2 Hearts, that they cannot be separated.  (Keep in mind, the feast of the Sacred Heart is a solemnity, so no Friday penance is required.)  How may we reciprocate the incomprehensible love which emanates from the Sacred Heart of Jesus this month?  We may consider beginning the Nine First Fridays Devotion, given to Saint Margaret Mary by Our Lord Himself.  We may also consider making a good confession, contemplating how we have failed to love others adequately…or come up with your own ideas as a family!

In the age of chastisement upon us, let us flee to the Sacred Heart of Our Blessed Lord in all our sufferings and needs…

 “Most sweet Jesus, whose overflowing charity for men is requited by so much forgetfulness, negligence and contempt, behold us prostrate before Thee, eager to repair by a special act of homage the cruel indifference and injuries to which Thy loving Heart is everywhere subject.”

From Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart prayer.

And let us never lose hope, for Our Lady of Fatima has promised an era of peace to come…

“Grant, O Lord, to Thy Church, assurance of freedom and immunity from harm.  Give peace and order to all nations and make the earth resound from pole to pole with one cry:  Praise to the Divine Heart that wrought our salvation.  To It be glory and honor forever!”

From Act of Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, by Pope Pius XI.

But more importantly, Heaven is our true home where we will reside in eternal happiness with the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary!

Here is the traditional calendar for the month of June:

Image from

Employment Trouble Too?

I mentioned in a recent post that the Covid “vaccination” requirements sweeping across the US were beginning to get personal. My husband is struggling with this right now. We were discussing it last night and the thought that entered my mind was, “We have to pray to Saint Joseph!” I remembered seeing prayer cards in church of the “Thirty Days Prayer to Saint Joseph” many times, but I never actually performed it. I looked it up online and realized I would need to print it out. I could not find a good PDF, so I made one! We started the devotion last night and my husband is suddenly feeling much less stressed and so am I. We have peace that we have rested this in Saint Joseph’s most capable hands and whatever happens, it will be God’s will and He will get us through it. When I went into the hospital to have our child twenty-something years ago, my husband had no job. When he arrived home after the baby was born, a message was on the answering machine that he had been hired! Since God has provided for us always, why should the future be any different?

I thought as long as I went through the trouble to make this PDF and I’m sure we are not the only people dealing with this horror…HERE IT IS! I’m not sure of the origin of this prayer, but I think it may have come from the Josephites. There is another more lengthy 30-day devotion called “The Holy Cloak of Saint Joseph.” Let us pray for all who are suffering with unjust mandates and discrimination, due to various Covid measures….all under the guise of “health & safety.” This is classic Orwellian doublespeak. The stress and chaos all of this is causing is anything but healthy.

“By their fruits you shall know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, and the evil tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can an evil tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, shall be cut down, and shall be cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them.”

Matthew 7:16

Thirty Days prayer to saint joseph

PDF Printable

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Ever blessed and glorious Joseph, kind and loving father, and helpful friend of all in sorrow! You are the good father and protector of orphans, the defender of the defenseless, the patron of those in need and sorrow. Look kindly on my request. My sins have drawn down on me the just displeasure of my God, and so I am surrounded with unhappiness. To you, loving guardian of the Family of Nazareth, do I go for help and protection. Listen, then, I beg you, with fatherly concern, to my earnest prayers, and obtain for me the favors I ask.

I ask it by the infinite mercy of the eternal Son of God, which moved Him to take our nature and to be born into this world of sorrow. I ask it by the weariness and suffering you endured when you found no shelter at the inn of Bethlehem for the Holy Virgin, nor a house where the Son of God could be born. Then, being everywhere refused, you were forced to allow the Queen of Heaven to give birth to the world’s Redeemer in a cave.

I ask it by the loveliness and power of that sacred Name, Jesus, which you conferred on the adorable Infant. I ask it by the painful torture you felt at the prophecy of holy Simeon, which declared the Child Jesus and His holy Mother future victims of our sins and of their great love for us.

I ask it through your sorrow and pain of soul when the angel declared to you that the life of the Child Jesus was sought by His enemies. From their evil plan, you had to flee with Him and His Blessed Mother to Egypt. I ask it by all the suffering, weariness, and labors of that long and dangerous journey.

I ask it by all your care to protect the Sacred Child and His Immaculate Mother during your second journey, when you were ordered to return to your own country. I ask it by your peaceful life in Nazareth where you met with so many joys and sorrows. I ask it by your great distress when the adorable Child was lost to you and His mother for three days.

I ask it by your joy at finding Him in the temple, and by the comfort you found at Nazareth, while living in the company of the Child Jesus. I ask it by the wonderful submission He showed in His obedience to you.

I ask it by the perfect love and conformity you showed in accepting the Divine order to depart from this life, and from the company of Jesus and Mary. I ask it by the joy which filled your soul, when the Redeemer of the world, triumphant over death and Hell, entered into the possession of His kingdom and led you into it with special honors.

I ask it through Mary’s glorious Assumption, and through that endless happiness you have with her in the presence of God. O good father! I beg you, by all your sufferings, sorrows, and joys, to hear me and obtain for me what I ask. (Here name your petitions.) Obtain for all those who have asked my prayers everything that is useful to them in the plan of God. Finally, my dear patron and father, be with me and all who are dear to me in our last moments, that we may eternally sing the praises of: JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH.

“A blameless life, St. Joseph, may we lead, by your kind patronage from danger freed.”

Epiphany Blessing of the Home

Today is the Feast of Our Lord’s Epiphany in the old calendar and also a non-standard feast of the 3 Magi. Following is a home blessing, which originated in eastern Europe and has spread throughout the world, even to Protestant churches. Just as the Wise Men visited the home of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we invite them to visit our own homes to ask for their intercession. This is important as we are living in an increasingly hostile world. It is also a wonderful way to show our children trust in Christ and the riches of the Holy Catholic Faith!

It’s okay if you can’t get to this tonight! The traditional “Cycle of Christmas” ends roughly with the Feast of the Presentation (Purification, “Candelmas”), February 2nd. Any time till then would be appropriate.

Here is a video of 2 priests at a Canadian parish, performing the blessing…

A House Blessing For the Epiphany

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Epiphany Yearly Blessing of the Home

You will need white chalk (chalk is often blessed by a priest at the Epiphany Mass) and holy water. The following prayers and format are based on traditional sources of information. The family gathers around a statue or holy image. All bless themselves with holy water. Generally, the father of the home leads in the following prayers…

Leader: Peace be to this house.

All: And to all that dwell herein.

Leader: From the east the Magi came to Bethlehem to adore the Lord, and opening their treasures, they offered costly gifts: gold to the great King, incense to the true God and myrrh in symbol of His burial. Alleluia!

All: My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior. For He has regarded the low estate of His handmaiden, for behold, henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. For He Who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is His Name. And His mercy is on those who fear Him from generation to generation. He has shown strength with His arm. He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He has put down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of low degree. He has filled the hungry with good things and the rich He has sent empty away. He has helped His servant Israel, in remembrance of His mercy, as He spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his posterity forever.

All: From the east the Magi came to Bethlehem to adore the Lord, and opening their treasures, they offered costly gifts: gold to the great King, incense to the true God and myrrh in symbol of His burial. Alleluia!

Leader: Our Father Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation…

All: But deliver us from evil. Amen.

Leader: Many shall come from Saba.

All: Bearing gold and incense.

Leader: O Lord, hear my prayer.

All: And let my cry come unto thee.

Leader: Let us pray. O God, Who by the guidance of a star didst this day reveal Thy Sole-Begotten Son to the Gentiles, grant that we who now know Thee by faith, may be brought to the contemplation of Thy Heavenly Majesty. Through the same Jesus Christ Thy Son our Lord. Be enlightened, be enlightened O Jerusalem! For thy Light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee, Jesus Christ, born of the Virgin Mary.

All: And the Gentiles shall walk in thy Light and kings in the splendor of thy rising and the glory of the Lord has risen upon thee.

Leader: Let us pray. Bless, O Lord, Almighty God, this home that it be the shelter of health, chastity, self-conquest, humility, goodness, mildness, obedience to the Commandments, and thanksgiving to God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. May this blessing remain for all time upon this dwelling and upon all who live herein. Through Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.

The family proceeds to the main entrance of the home. The leader writes the following above the door with the chalk (this can be done on the outside or inside of the home). The digits represent the number of the new year. The crosses represent the 4 seasons. The initials represent the Latin phrase “Christus Mansionem Benedicat,” (Christ Bless this Home). They also represent the names of the 3 Magi. Above the inscription, a cross is made with holy water.


20 + C + M + B + __

Leader: Christus Mansionem Benedicat! Saints Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar, pray for us!

All: Amen!

The family may finish the devotion with a hymn, such as “We Three Kings of Orient Are.”

Printable Version PDF

September is the Month of Our Lady of Sorrows


In this month of Our Lady of Sorrows, if you are not familiar with the “Seven Sorrows Chaplet,” here is where you can purchase one. Mine is shown above, depicting Our Lady with seven swords piercing her Immaculate Heart, the month of which we have just celebrated. It has been such a blessing to pray this chaplet over the years, as a family. In addition to the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, we honor Our Blessed Mother in 4 other major feasts this month.

We celebrate 5 Doctors of the Church in September. As I stated last month, I am now indicating a major work authored by each Doctor. Please consider reading some of these wonderful works of Holy Church’s antiquity. Obtaining good quality hard-cover books is a great idea from a “prepper” point of view. How long before these classics are considered “unessential items?” We have several 20th Century saints this month and also the Ember Days in September, traditional days of penance and prayer for the coming season. Ember Days are wonderful to celebrate with children, incorporating crafts and giving them a love for the Catholic Faith and her traditions.

Let us remember the 20th anniversary of the attacks on the United States on September 11th, 2001. Let us offer prayers for those departed, along with their loved ones…for those who continue to suffer with physical and mental disability…and for those responsible. Lord have mercy.

Here is a sampling of feasts for this month:

9/3-First Friday / Pope St. Gregory the Great, Doctor of the Church, author Pastoral Care / Pope St. Pius X, 20th Century Saint

9/4-First Saturday

9/5-St. Teresa of Calcutta, Founder of the Missionaries of Charity, 20th Century Saint



9/13-St. John Chrysostom, Doctor of the Church, author On the Priesthood

9/14-Exaltation of the Holy Cross


9/17-St. Robert Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church, author The Controversies / St. Hildegard of Bingen, Doctor of the Church, author Scivias (Know the Ways of the Lord) / Stigmata of St. Francis of Assisi


9/21-St. Matthew, Apostle, Evangelist of Gospel, Martyr

9/22-Ember Wednesday in September (trad meat at one meal)

9/23-St. Pio of Pietralcina, 20th Century Saint

9/24-OUR LADY OF RANSOM / Ember Friday in September

9/25-Ember Saturday in September (trad meat at one meal)

9/27-St. Vincent de Paul, Founder of the Vincentians

9/29-Sts. Michael, Gabriel & Raphael / Michaelmas Day

9/30-St. Jerome, Doctor of the Church, author Latin Vulgate Bible

August is Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary


~~~ immaculate heart of mary, pray for us! ~~~

Whatever our difficulties and sorrows may be, we have been given, by Our Lord Himself from the Cross, the most wonderful of Mothers! Let us this month, flee to her in all our need and honor her Most Immaculate Heart, so desiring of reparation. This is a fabulous time to start the “Communion of Reparation 5 First Saturdays,” instituted by Our Lady of Fatima. The feast of the Immaculate Heart is celebrated on the 22nd, along with the Queenship of Our Lady-what a beautiful double Marian feast! Of course, we also have the Assumption, a holy day of obligation, on the 15th, along with several other feasts of Our Lady this month. August gives us 3 saints with particular love for Mary: Saints Alphonsus, Dominic and Maximilian Kolbe. In addition, we celebrate the father of the Blessed Virgin, the day after the Assumption. Let us not forget the Transfiguration of Our Lord, the 4th Luminous Mystery, on the 6th.

We honor both Saint Teresa Benedicta and Saint Maximilian Kolbe, who met their deaths at Aushwitz, Kolbe one year earlier. We also have Saint Rose of Lima and Saint Fiacre, both patrons of gardeners on the 30th!

We have spent the past year giving the titles (names attributed to them) of all 35 Doctors of the Church. We will now begin to provide one of their best-known works with each noted feastday. This month, we honor 3 of the most superlative Doctors! Saint Alphonsus has been noted as the most popular writer of all time (including Shakespeare)…Saint Bernard is quite possibly the most prolific miracle-worker of all time…and Saint Augustine has been called the “Doctor of Doctors,” his Confessions being the most widely read spiritual book for 1,000 years.*

Here are some notable feasts this month from both the old and new calendars:

8/1-St. Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church, Founder of the Redemptorists, author The Glories of Mary

8/2-St. Alphonsus Liguori (trad)

8/4-St. John Vianney / St. Dominic, Seer of the Holy Rosary



8/7-First Saturday

8/8-St. John Vianney (trad) / St. Dominic (new)

8/9-St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein), Jewish convert, killed at Aushwitz

8/11-St. Clare (Chiara) of Assisi

8/12-St. Clare (Chiara) of Assisi (trad)

8/14-St. Maximilian Kolbe, martyred at Aushwitz / VIGIL OF THE ASSUMPTION


8/16-St. Joachim, Father of the Blessed Virgin


8/20-St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Doctor of the Church, author Canticle of Canticles

8/21-St. Pius X, Pope of the Eucharist


8/23-St. Rose of Lima, Patroness of Gardeners

8/24-St. Bartholomew, Apostle

8/27-St. Monica, Mother of St. Augustine / SEVEN JOYS OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY (non-standard)

8/28-St. Augustine of Hippo, Doctor of the Church, author Confessions

8/29-Passion of St. John the Baptist

8/30-St. Rose of Lima (trad) / St. Fiacre of Brie, Patron of Gardeners (non-standard)

* Source: The 35 Doctors of the Church Buy it!

Image courtesy

June: Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus


Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have Mercy Upon Us!

“My Divine Heart is so inflamed with love for mankind … that It can no longer contain within Itself the flames of Its burning charity and must spread them abroad.”

Our Lord to Saint Margaret Mary

Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, as we know it today, began in France after Saint Margaret Mary received several visions. Our Lord requested a devotion of reparation, the Nine First Fridays and a feast of reparation, to be held the Friday after the octave of Corpus Christi. We know this feast as the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is linked to Corpus Christi because His Heart is contained within His Corpus. There is also an indulgenced novena for this feast, to be started this year, June 2nd. See Novena to the Sacred Heart. What a wonderful time it is this month, to perform one of these great treasures of the Faith! There has never been a time when it has been more needed.

The feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is the day after the feast of the Sacred Heart. Holy Church shows us how intimately the 2 Hearts are joined, they are celebrated together. Just as Our Lord asked Saint Margaret Mary for reparation to His Heart, Our Lady of Fatima asked for reparation to her heart, particularly in the Five First Saturdays, which mirrors the Nine First Fridays.

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“In order that favors may flow in greater abundance on all Christians, even on the whole human race, from the devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, let the faithful see to it that devotion to the Immaculate Heart of the Mother of God be closely joined to the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus … It is, then, entirely fitting that the Christian people — who received the divine life from Christ through Mary — after they have paid their debt of honor to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, should also offer to the most loving Heart of their Heavenly Mother the corresponding acts of piety, affection, gratitude and expiation.”

Venerable Pope Pius XII, 20th Century Pope

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June also celebrates the birth of Saint John the Baptist, Saint Barnabas and 2 other early Christian warriors, Peter and Paul (whose potential was seen initially by Barnabas). We honor 4 Doctors of the Church, including the beloved Franciscan Saint Anthony of Padua, often shown with the Christ Child in his arms (one of his companions once peered at him and saw the young Jesus with him). Here is a selection of some of June’s notable feasts….


6/4-First Friday

6/5-First Saturday


6/9-St. Ephrem, Doctor, “Harp of the Holy Ghost” “Mary’s Own Singer” “Father of Hymnody”

6/11-MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS (Friday solemnity) / St. Barnabas, Early Apostle (recruited St. Paul from Tarsus, probably martyred)


6/13-St. Anthony of Padua, Doctor, “Doctor of the Gospel” “Hammer of Heretics” “Ark of Both Covenants”

6/14-St. Basil the Great, Doctor, “Father of Eastern Monasticism”

6/18-St. Ephrem (trad)

6/22-St. Thomas More, Martyr

6/23-Vigil of Nativity of St. John the Baptist

6/24-Nativity of St. John the Baptist

6/26-St. (Monsignor) Josemaria Escriva, 20th Century Saint, Founder of Opus Dei

6/27-St. Cyril of Alexandria, Doctor, “Doctor of the Incarnation” “Seal of the Fathers”

6/28-Vigil of Sts. Peter & Paul

6/29-Sts. Peter & Paul, Apostles

6/30-First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church

Notes: The titles of the Doctors of the Church are taken from The 35 Doctors of the Church. We give both old and new feasts, since people are coming from all parts of the world and all perspectives. Also, the future Church will not be divided-we must work toward unity.

Image courtesy

May: Month of Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary


May is jam-packed and starts off with a bang with the feast of Saint Joseph the Worker. Please scroll down for our recent post on the indulgences in the “Year of Saint Joseph.” There are 2 that deal specifically with him under this title and one that refers to his feasts. Get yourself to confession and you’re all set!

There are various major feasts this month of Our Lord, Our Lady, the Holy Ghost and the Holy Trinity. We celebrate 3 Apostles and 5 Doctors of the Church, including Saint Athanasius, the earliest of the Doctors (born c 297). We recently discussed Saint Isidore the Farmer on his minor feast, but this month we have his main feast on the 15th.

May also contains both the Ember Days (of summer) and the Minor Rogation Days! These have separate origins but are very similar in character. Basically, these are traditional times of prayer and penance, associated with nature and the seasons. Trinity Sunday marks the end of Eastertide and the beginning of the Time after Pentecost, which we remain in until Advent.

And of course, May celebrates our Heavenly Mother. We have 4 major Marian feasts and a number of minor or less standard ones, not mentioned here. I will not give you a list this time of obvious ideas for Marian devotions, but pray on it and use your creativity, especially if you have young children (check this out: How to Plan a May Crowning for Kids ). Here are some wonderful products from The Catholic Company, which will serve you. As a prepper, I would be remiss if I failed to encourage you to purchase these types of products while you still can. Especially, I recommend good hardcover Catholic books and Bibles, as many as you can afford.

Here is a sampling of the feasts of May…

5/1-St. Joseph the Worker / First Saturday

5/2-St. Athanasius, Doctor, “The Father of Orthodoxy”

5/3-Sts. Philip & James the Less, Apostles, Martyrs (new)

5/4-St. Monica, Mother of St. Augustine

5/7-First Friday

5/9-St. Gregory Nazianzen, Doctor, “The Theologian” “The Christian Demosthenes”

5/10-Rogation Day / St. John of Avila, Doctor, “Apostle of Andalusia” “The Master”

5/11-Rogation Day / Sts. Philip & James the Less (trad)

5/12-Rogation Day

5/13-ASCENSION OF THE LORD (ASCENSION THURSDAY-please check your diocese for info on Holy Days of Obligation) / OUR LADY OF FATIMA / St. Robert Bellarmine, Doctor, “Prince of Apologists” “Gentle Doctor of The Controversies

5/14-St. Matthias, Apostle who replaced Judas, Martyr

5/15-St. Isidore the Farmer

5/16-ASCENSION OF THE LORD (some dioceses)

5/22-Vigil of Pentecost



5/25-St. Bede the Venerable, Doctor, “Father of English History” (new)

5/26-Ember Wednesday after Pentecost (trad meat at one meal)

5/27-St. Bede the Venerable (trad)

5/28-Ember Friday after Pentecost

5/29-Ember Saturday after Pentecost (trad meat at one meal)

5/30-TRINITY SUNDAY / St. Joan of Arc


Notes: The titles of the Doctors of the Church are taken from The 35 Doctors of the Church , a wonderful book of 728 pages, well worth the price. We give both old and new feasts, since people are coming from all parts of the world and all perspectives. Also, the future Church will not be divided-we must work toward unity.