do it now principle

The "Do it Now Principle"

Marla Cilley, also known as “Flylady,” is a homemaker’s helper, particularly with cleaning and organizing. She has videos, books and wonderful cleaning products (I’ve bought some!). She talks about the “Do it Now Principle,” which means, if you see something that can be done quickly and easily, don’t wait for later, just “do it now.” As the world situation is heating up, this is also a great tenet for preppers.

I will give you a real-life example from my own life today. I drove to the grocery store and when I got out of the car, realized I had forgotten my purse. I used to have a small amount of emergency money in my car, but the last time I used it, I neglected to replace it. Not that it would have been enough to do all my shopping, but I could at least have gotten a box of chocolate eclairs….I mean some low-carb snack bars….before heading back home.

So…I went back home, got my purse and immediately replenished my emergency money. I felt like a good prepper again. It is empowering and motivating to take care of yourself. It instantly lifts your mood and this world could use a little mood-lifting.

So, next time you notice something that needs attention, think of the “Do it Now Principle,” and….do it now!