deep quotes

The Truth About the US Federal Reserve (Neither Federal nor a Reserve)

“Collectivism and freedom are mortal enemies. Only one will survive.”

G. Edward Griffin

Author The Creature From Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve

From “Goodreads” notes on the book above:

“Where does money come from? Where does it go? Who makes it? The money magicians' secrets are unveiled. We get a close look at their mirrors and smoke machines, their pulleys, cogs, and wheels that create the grand illusion called money. A dry and boring subject? Just wait! You'll be hooked in five minutes. Reads like a detective story — which it really is. But it's all true. This book is about the most blatant scam of all history. It's all here: the cause of wars, boom-bust cycles, inflation, depression, prosperity. Creature from Jekyll Island will change the way you view the world, politics, and money. Your world view will definitely change. You'll never trust a politician again — or a banker.”

June is the Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

June continues the traditional Ember Days of Summer on the First Friday and First Saturday.  The Masses of these days are beautiful to read.  Of course, First Fridays are dedicated to the Sacred Heart, so, something to think about there.  We have Trinity Sunday and the 2 feasts of Corpus Christi (or Body and Blood of Christ), in the trad and the new.  Very exciting, the back-to-back feasts of our Two Hearts are on the 16th and the 17th (the 16th being a Friday solemnity, no penance). 

Where does one start when contemplating all the devotional riches of the Sacred Heart, which Holy Church has given us?  Here is a great place to start, from The Catholic Encyclopedia Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  This topic is divided into 2 parts:  Doctrinal Explanations and Historical Ideas.

Have a look at the full trad calendar for June:

And here is a thought to meditate on this coming month.  This came to me today when trying to take a nap and cope with my chronic pain condition.  I thought of a short poem by novelist Gunnel Beckman and changed the words to express what I was feeling.  I felt compelled to share this…

Suffering is only the thorn upon the rose

The broken key

Offering admission to Thine Heart

Saint Margaret Mary, pray for us!

Thoughts on Memorial Day, USA

As with everything it seems, these days, we Catholics must move the opposite direction of the culture.  Memorial Day is no exception.  At my hair salon the other day, everyone was talking about their impending parties over the weekend.  Someone asked me what I was doing and I said, “Nothing,” a bit embarrassed.  I admit I am far from perfect in responding to these many awkward situations that arise.  This is our lot.  This is our cross as Christians, to follow the narrow path.

A culture that has forgotten how to mourn, has forgotten how to live.

In considering how I might “celebrate” this day, my first thought was to refrain from meat.  However, our fridge is packed with meat that needs to be cooked.  So I resolved to pray the rosary and to try to live a good, disciplined day.  Thinking of my husband’s uncle Harry who died in WWII, I decided to offer the day for him and when presented with a difficulty, to say, “Do it for Harry.” 

I have become deeply devoted to the memory of Harry, after coming across an old scrapbook in my husband’s basement.  It showed little anecdotes of Harry from his boyhood.  I was fascinated.  Finally, I turned a page and there it was.  The record of his death.  I had never heard the story and was shocked and saddened.  We have visited Harry’s memorial in the family cemetery several times now.  Someone placed a flag there which is worn, but still there.  He was buried in Germany.  26 years old, close to our son’s age now.  Like the line in “Gone with the Wind,” referring to the soldiers of the Civil War, “Maybe they are all Ashley”…I think of the men and women we honor today…Maybe they are all Harry. 

As I continue to work towards a community of love, apart from a world sinking into tyranny, I wonder what Harry died for and will remember to say, “Do it for Harry.”

On this feast of Our Lady, Mother of the Church, this octave of Pentecost and this Ember Week, let us keep these dear souls and their families in prayer, along with places of war right now and of course, pray for peace. 

­­Come Holy Ghost, give the world the illumination it needs so very much at this time!

2 Signs in Babylon

There is a town on Long Island named Babylon. I was there last week and took photographs of these 2 signs…the top one at a grocery store called Aldi and the other at a doctor’s office. The contrast between them struck me. 2 signs in Babylon….or 2 mystical messages in a world defiant of God and nature? One was upon a door, the other invoking many doors. One confines the mind and one frees it. Signs hanging motionless, suspended in silence, preparing for war.

“seeing a problem is half of the problem.”

Laurie Anderson

"Paradigm of the Authentic Life" Concepts

I am working on something I call “Paradigm of the Authentic Life,” which is a codification of the holistic way God meant us to live. The theory is that we were meant to live communally and close to nature. This paradigm I’m working on includes the Catholic life. What makes CF Mathews think she has the answers to such large questions? My first response has to be, “Maybe I don’t.” My second response is, “But…” I am continually drawn to these ideas and feel called to do this. My life experience has prepared me for this work in many ways. But if I don’t start with humility, I run the risk of being a would-be cult leader, and nothing more. Such people return to the dust they came from and history looks upon them with contempt.

Today I wish to share 2 concepts which have been on my mind…

~ Wake Up With the Sunrise ~

Remember the big hair of the 80’s? If you’re my age, you do. It took so long every morning to do our hair (and makeup…and figure out what to wear) in high school, all the girls would get up in the dark. This was always difficult and depressing for me. I finally realized, that was probably because it’s unnatural to wake up in the dark! So…later in life, I became a latebird. Then I felt bad I never saw the sunrise. I am now getting up with the sunrise and it feels wonderful. This weekend, we change the clocks back to Standard Time. In order to keep to my sunrise schedule, I will not get that extra hour:( The Authentic Life requires discipline, but the blessings are worth it.

~ Nature Abhors Perfection ~

We’ve all heard the expression, “Nature abhors a vacuum.” Nature also doesn’t like perfection very much. As soon as it is attained, if it ever is, she sees to it that things immediately go awry again. In fact, our obstinate insistence on “perfection” can cause much more harm than good (look around, that’s all I’m going to say). I am not talking about spiritual perfection, which Our Lord instructed us about. I’m talking about the human desire to control that which cannot truly be controlled. When we speak of the Authentic Life, realism needs to be built into the paradigm. A few weeds in your garden? Many are medicinal. Got your day perfectly planned? Many of life’s best moments are spontaneous and unexpected. Our human definition of “perfection” can create imbalance and that’s another thing nature abhors. Actually, all of these ideas about nature are interrelated.

+ + +

Tomorrow starts the “Triduum of Death:” All Hallows Eve, All Saints Day and All Souls Day. Let us rejoice in our Heavenly reward and keep this always before our eyes! Stay tuned for “November: Month of the Holy Souls” and our next Autumn Prepper Rosary Lesson:)

Thought for the Day & Reminder!

I keep hearing subtle variations on this quote:  "We are spiritual beings having a human experience."  How about this variation:

We are connected beings having a separate experience.

Think about it.

Don't forget our final Fatima Family Holy Hour for World Peace, this Friday!  I will be at the World Apostolate of Fatima in Asbury, NJ, but the show will go on right here on this blog!  Don't miss it!  And please add your voice to our comments-thank you, you will be blessed!  CFM:)  PSSpread the word and think about giving Our Lady a special gift for this momentous occasion!